Famiglia Statella

Harvest 2024 on Etna between challenges and expectations

We are almost there, September is coming to an end and for us, winegrowers and producers in Etna, the long-awaited grape harvest is near.

However, looking back over the past few months, what are our expectations?

This year, somewhat like the previous one, has not been easy.

In terms of climate, in fact, the 2024 vintage will certainly be remembered as one of the driest ever, characterized by a low rainfall winter, followed by a hot and humid spring.

Such premises do not characterize great vintages!

As mentioned above, the 2023 vintage was also extremely difficult, with extreme weather conditions (high rainfall in spring, heat and drought in summer), resulting in a harvest that was almost halved and not very good in terms of quality.

For these reasons, we, winegrowers and producers, usually believe that we have already faced the worst and that the 2024 harvest will certainly be better.

But this is more a wish than a certainty.

In fact, we can state that the sanitary condition of the grapes this year is truly excellent: a consideration that already determines a substantial difference with the 2023 vintage. Undoubtedly, however, the water deficit accumulated during the winter and never made up during the season is putting a strain on the plants, which are forced to live in a situation of high stress.

At the same time, producing wines in the Etnean territory has two major advantages: operating in a climatic context that, due to the altitude, ‘forces’ the grapes to ripen at a slow pace, and relying on a varietal heritage (Nerello Mascalese, Carricante, Nerello Cappuccio, etc.) that ripens late.

This leads to a more gradual annual cycle of the vine: ripening takes place in more moderate thermal conditions, the plants can benefit from a few summer storms, which normally occur from mid-August onwards.

In conclusion, all things considered: what are our expectations?

We at Famiglia Statella believe that, once again this year, we will be able to produce wines of great quality, thanks to the viticultural vocation of the land and our vineyards, the experience consolidated over time, and the optimistic spirit that distinguishes us.

Stay tuned and follow us on our social media channels for further updates on the harvest.